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Cosmetic Dentist in Virginia Beach on the Power of Zoom!

July 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 7:24 pm

The cosmetic dentist in Virginia Beach offers Zoom! It’s summertime, and from weddings and reunions to long nights under the stars, there are a million reasons to smile during July, August, and September. Your cosmetic dentist in Virginia Beach can help your teeth really sparkle this time of year with an in-office Zoom! Whitening treatment! This method of bleaching breaks through even the most stubborn stains, brightening teeth up to eight shades in just one, one hour appointment.


Solutions for Your Sensitivity from a Virginia Beach Dentist

June 9, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 10:48 pm

Your Virginia Beach dentist can help you understand sensitive teeth.It can be hard to get a room full of people to agree on a single subject, but we think that almost everyone can agree that it’s not a pleasant feeling to have sensitive teeth. You know how the dessert menu intrigues you with mouthwatering pictures thick milkshakes and malts? But then you remember that you won’t be able to enjoy those sweet treats because your mouth will be in pain. If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity, it’s time to get assistance from your Virginia Beach dentist at Smile by Design.


Do You Have Harmful Gum Disease in Virginia Beach?

June 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 11:16 pm

Receive periodontal therapy for gum disease in Virginia Beach.Some patients avoid flossing between their teeth because they don’t like when their gums become sensitive and start to bleed. Does that sound familiar? Well, if you’re one of those patients who doesn’t floss regularly, you’re avoidance may actually cause you to develop gum disease in Virginia Beach. If you experience discomfort during your dental routine, bleeding, or swelling, you should speak to either Dr. Santos or Dr. Folck at Smile by Design. The key to preventing severe dental problems down the road is catching unhealthy gums in their early stages before the disease develops into its advanced stage: periodontal disease.


Sleep Issues? Try Sleep Apnea Treatment in Virginia Beach!

May 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 9:31 pm

Smile by Design VA uses EMA and TAP oral appliances for sleep apnea treatment in Virginia Beach. Can you recall your partner usually nudging you a few times throughout the night, telling you to quit snoring? Do you wonder, “Will I ever wake up fully energized and rested?” You may be dealing with a sleeping disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. You’re not alone. Lots of adults are getting less than the recommended amount of daily sleep because of it. Luckily, your dentists at Smile by Design VA are here to help you and your partner by offering sleep apnea treatment in Virginia Beach. Together, we can lift this burden of interrupted sleep, helping your family get their lives back on track.


Attention! How to Care for Dental Implants in Virginia Beach

May 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 9:34 pm

Dental implants in Virginia Beach should be cared for like natural teeth. So, you’ve heard of how great dental implants are and are considering getting one or several for the first time. Congratulations on taking the next best step in improving your oral health! This is the start of a new chapter in your life. One with improved dental health, speech, and the ability to enjoy the foods you love. Once you complete the placement of your dental implants in Virginia Beach, it’s important to know how to maintain them properly. Here are some helpful tips from your dentist at Smile by Design.


Keep Calm & Call Your Emergency Dentist in Virginia Beach

April 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 10:40 pm

Your emergency dentist in Virginia Beach is here to help save your teeth when an accident happens. Your five-year-old loves the idea of the tooth fairy leaving gifts under their pillow whenever they lose a tooth. This time, they’ve decided to take matters into their own hands. Before you know it, you have a messy dental emergency staring right at you. Kids will be kids, right? Emergency dental care is a service we hope you’ll never need—but if you do, it can be a lifesaver. Luckily, you have a local emergency dentist in Virginia Beach that is ready to assist you with any kind of tooth damage or mouth pain.








5 Whitening Tips from A Cosmetic Dentist in Virginia Beach

April 2, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 7:07 pm

How can your cosmetic dentist in Virginia Beach help you achieve a whiter smile? Teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental treatments that patients seek from your cosmetic dentist in Virginia Beach. 80% of Americans desire whiter teeth and believe wholeheartedly that their confidence will improve after a professional whitening session. Our dental team at Smile by Design has seen that boost in confidence for ourselves, but how do you keep your teeth bright and shiny after your professional whitening treatment? Dr. Santos and Dr. Folck are here to give you some helpful tips that will help your whitening treatment last longer than anticipated.


Fighting Decay with Your Dentist in Virginia Beach, VA

March 23, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 10:34 pm

We recommend scheduling routine dental appointments with your dentist in Virginia Beach, VA twice a year. You may have heard that old myth that dog’s mouths are cleaner than humans…it may just be true if you don’t keep up good oral hygiene! Our mouths are full of bacteria—both good and bad—and it is extremely important to practice good hygienic habits to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you neglect caring for your mouth and visiting your dentist in Virginia Beach, VA, you are risking your dental health. Smile by Design has the comprehensive preventive services your whole family needs to help all your loved ones reach optimal oral health.


Understanding a Dental Implant in Virginia Beach, VA

March 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 10:29 pm

Smile by Design helps patients overcome their dental fears by explaining the “ins and outs” of a dental implant in Virginia Beach, VA. Believe it or not, tooth loss is a very common problem; therefore, the use of dental implants is also a very common procedure. The history of dental implants can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt, our ancestors placed carved seashells or stones into jawbones for tooth replacements! The need to replace a whole tooth and not just the visible part (crown) is vital to maintaining the health of your jawbone and structure of your smile. Of course, our technology has definitely advanced since then. Now, Smile by Design can provide a dental implant in Virginia Beach, VA that has three functioning parts to replace a missing tooth in the most effective way.


Am I A Good Candidate For Invisalign in Virginia Beach, VA?

February 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 4:07 pm

What makes me a good candidate for Invisalign in Virginia Beach, VA?Your friend just sent you pictures of your trip this past weekend, and after looking at them, you finally decide it’s time to get your crooked teeth fixed. You’re not showing your teeth in any of the pictures because you felt self-conscious about them, and frankly, you looked like you’re annoyed. You had a great time, and that’s the last impression you want to give your friends. You’ve heard that you can get your teeth straightened without braces thanks to Invisalign in Virginia Beach, VA, but is it right for you? Today, Dr. Stephanie L. Santos of Smile By Design is going to tell you how she will determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign. (more…)

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