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Pocket Depth and Periodontal Disease: What’s the Connection?

May 22, 2014

Many people know that gum disease can cause a wide variety
of undesirable issues, including everything from bad breath and bleeding gums
to eventual tooth loss when the condition is left untreated. However, the
majority of individuals – even those who suffer from periodontal disease – don’t
understand this condition and how it affects your health. At Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA, Dr. Vinita John
Folck and Dr. Stephanie L. Santos
offer a comprehensive menu of preventive
and general dentistry services, including periodontal
What is Pocket Depth?

Ideally, the tissue of your gums should fit snugly around
the base of your teeth, but periodontal
changes this. Instead, pockets form along the gum line, creating
the perfect place for bacteria to hide. Over time, this accumulation of
bacteria can lead to the buildup of plaque and tartar, which further increases
the size of the pocket. This cycle continues as the gum recedes and the infection
spreads. Advanced periodontal disease
can lead to complications with pregnancy, coronary artery disease, diabetes,
and more.
Benefits of
Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal therapy
addresses the infection that causes inflammation and increased pocket depth, reducing the amount of
room bacteria have to thrive in your gums. As with treatment for any other type
of disease, gum disease is most
effectively treated when diagnosed early.
Schedule Your Visit

Gum disease affects
approximately three out of every four American adults; are you one of them?
Because the early stages of periodontal
don’t always present the patient with noticeable symptoms, it is
important to see our doctors twice per year for routine exams and cleanings. Contact our office
today to schedule your appointment with our experienced, caring team. Our
practice proudly serves patients from throughout Virginia Beach, Sandbridge, Fort Story, Portsmouth, Norfolk, and

The Role of Fluoride in Your Dental Health

May 6, 2014

There are a lot of misconceptions about fluoride as it relates to health, and hundreds of sites online that
offer conflicting information about its effects. At Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA,
our doctors want you to feel informed about all aspects of oral health,
including the ways in which fluoride can
impact your teeth.

Fluoride: Is it Good
or Bad for Teeth?

Fluoride is a
naturally occurring substance that originates from an element called fluorine.
It is found in its natural form in the water and many foods we drink and eat,
respectively. Despite much controversy regarding its effects, the amount of fluoride found in normal tap water is
not substantial enough to cause any adverse health problems. In fact, fluoride is one of the essential
factors in a healthy smile.
Fluoride treatments help
to remineralize teeth, offering improved strength and protection against common
problems like tooth decay. Adults are advised to use a toothpaste and mouthwash
that contains fluoride because of this fact, better fortifying your teeth
between visits to your dentist’s office. As with any procedure or treatment
performed at our office, we invite you to ask questions and raise any concerns
you may have regarding fluoride treatments. We’re here as a source of accurate,
up-to-date information pertaining to the overall oral health of you and your
Schedule Your Next
Visit Today

Has it been more than six months since the last time you had
your teeth and gums cleaned and examined at Smile by Design? If so, then it’s time to contact our office in
Virginia Beach, VA to schedule your
appointment. Our experienced, caring doctors and staff look forward to helping
you achieve optimal oral health through general dentistry and preventive
services, all while welcoming you into a warm, comforting atmosphere. Our
family-friendly practice happily serves patients from throughout Virginia Beach, as well as the
surrounding areas of Fort Story,
Portsmouth, Norfolk, Sandbridge,
and beyond. 

Are You Seeing Us for the First Time?

April 28, 2014

Is your upcoming visit with us also going your first? Then
we’d like to tell you how much we’re looking forward to seeing you. At Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, our goal is making close, personal relationships
with our patients–new and old–because
that’s how you deliver truly compassionate and patient-centered care.
We also want to let you know about our New Patient page.
On this page, you will find a link for downloading our new patient forms.
Filling these out before you come see us will make it possible to streamline
your visit. When you come in, just hand us your paperwork and take a seat while
we start processing your information.
You may also want to take a look at our Services page, if you
have not already done so. On this page, you’ll find helpful information about
the range of services we offer, and what those services entail. Some of our
biggest services include:

If you have any questions about these services, the information
on our site will help you gain a basic understanding of them. If you still have
questions afterwards, we would be happy answer them during your visit.

us today
if you’re ready to schedule an appointment with Dr. Santos or Dr. Folck.
We’re happy to serve the needs of patients from Virginia Beach, Fort Story,
Sandbridge, and nearby communities.

What is Periodontitis?

April 16, 2014

When most people think of gum disease, the first images that
come to mind typically include swollen gum tissue and bleeding gums when the
teeth are brushed or flossed. While these are certainly common symptoms
associated with periodontal disease, the consequences of leaving this condition
untreated can actually be far worse. At Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA, Dr. Vinita John
Folck and Dr. Stephanie L. Santos
offer comprehensive periodontal
to treat gum disease before it results in more severe
Gum Disease and the

Periodontitis is
a severe infection of the gums and the gingival tissues that hold the teeth in
their proper places. When these tissues become inflamed and infected, the
structural integrity of the jaw and teeth is compromised. In addition to
causing gum sensitivity, swelling, and bleeding, periodontitis can eventually lead to loose teeth and even teeth
that fall out.
Other complications that arise from untreated gum disease include an increased risk
for heart disease, stroke, respiratory infections, dementia, and low birth
weight in infants of mothers with the condition. With periodontal therapy from the team at Smile by Design, we’ll develop a treatment plan that suits your
individual situation. Our primary goal is to help you achieve and maintain a
smile that is as healthy as it is beautiful.
Schedule Your

If you suspect that you or anyone in your family may be
suffering from any level of gum disease
even if it consists of occasional bleeding when you brush or floss – contact our office in
Virginia Beach, VA today. Our
doctors and caring staff look forward to helping you stop periodontitis in its tracks, giving you the healthy, gorgeous smile
you want and deserve. Our family-friendly office gladly welcomes patients from throughout
Virginia Beach and the surrounding
communities, including the cities of Norfolk,
Portsmouth, Fort Story, Sandbridge,
and beyond.

What to Do In a Dental Emergency

April 7, 2014

You can never see a dental emergency coming—that’s part of
what defines an emergency. So knowing what to do when you’re in the middle of
one is very important. In today’s post, we want to go through some of the most
common dental emergencies and offer tips on what to do in each case. If you don’t
see your emergency on the list, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’re
ready to help you!
Knocked Out Tooth

If you suddenly lose a tooth because of an accident, injury,
or some other cause, call
us immediately
. Reattachment is possible if we can see you soon enough.
Until Dr. Santos
or Dr. Folck
can see you, gently rinse the tooth and put it back in its socket. If you’re
unable to do that, store it in a baggie of milk.
Broken Tooth

As with a knocked out tooth, breaking a tooth is also a
jarring experience. If you have a broken or cracked a tooth, call us for an
. And in the meantime, rinse the area with warm water and apply
a cold compress to the area to treat pain and swelling.
Damaged Crown

Crowns can also become damaged, especially temporary crowns.
At Smile by Design, we can replace
your broken crown in a single appointment with our Virginia Beach office’s CEREC machine.
Severe Toothache

Are you struggling with a severe toothache? Before you call
us, try flossing around the affected tooth to see you can dislodge anything
from the area. If flossing does not help and your toothache continues, call us for an
. Avoid putting aspirin on your tooth as this can damage your
sensitive gum tissue.
Something Caught
between Teeth

As with the last emergency, try flossing before you give us a call. Avoid
using sharp instruments to help you.
Cut/Bitten Tongue or

Bleeding from your tongue or lip is a more serious emergency
that may require a trip to your local emergency room. Clean the area and hold a
cold compress to it for a while to stop the bleeding. If your bleeding does not
stop, visit your area ER.
Possible Broken Jaw

As with a bleeding tongue or lip, you should see your local
emergency room for help with a broken jaw.

Are you experiencing a dental emergency not listed here? Dr. Santos and Dr. Folck would be happy to consult with you. Call us immediately
for help. Our Virginia Beach office serves
patients from Fort Story, Sandbridge, and nearby communities. 

Visit Our Testimonial Page

March 16, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — smilebydesignteam @ 2:00 pm
In our last post, we
introduced new visitors to Dr. Santos and
Dr. Folck,
the dentists at Smile by Design. Today
we want to highlight another page on our site—our testimonial page.
When looking for a new dental office, a recommendation from
a friend or family member can make your choice much clearer. But barring that,
a testimonial can also help.
On our testimonial
page, you’ll find quotes from actual patients. With these quotes, new patients
can read about what a visit to Smile by
will be like. As a result, you can approach your own appointment
feeling more comfortable about what your experience will be like.
If you’re already comfortable with your upcoming visit, we
hope you’ll look at the list of services we offer. We offer
a wide range of general, cosmetic, and restorative services, including:

During your visit with us, we can tell you if any of these
services are right for you. We can also answer any questions you might have
about your smile and how we can help it.

Call Smile by Design to schedule an appointment
with us. We happily serve patients from Virginia
, Fort Story, Sandbridge, and surrounding areas.

Get To Know Our Dentists

March 4, 2014

If you’re new to Virginia
, or you’ve never visited our site before, you may not know anything
about our
. That’s why we want to use today’s post to tell you a little bit
about them.
The doctors at Smile
by Design
in Virginia Beach are Stephanie Santos and Vinita Folck. Both have extensive
experience as dental professionals, and both are committed to providing
patients with excellent care.
“I love helping people overcome their dental fears,” Dr. Santos says in her bio. Dr. Santos earned a Bachelor of Science
in chemistry from Old Dominion University
before completing her DDS at Virginia
Commonwealth University
. She was also an army dentist for three years.
Dr. Folck is from
Texas. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Miami and then attended the University of Texas Health Science Center in San
Antonio for her dental degree. “This practice is like family!” she says in her
bio. Dr. Folck’s husband is also an
oral surgeon practicing in Virginia Beach.
Dr. Santos and Dr. Folck are both members of important
dental organizations, like the American Dental
Are you looking for a dentist in the Virginia Beach area? Call Smile by Design today to schedule an
appointment. We serve patients from Virginia
, Fort Story, Sandbridge, and surrounding areas.

Virginia Beach Root Canal Therapy

February 21, 2014

Our teeth are made up of three layers. On the outside is a
protective layer called enamel. Beneath that is a sensitive layer of dentin. At
the very center of a tooth is the nerve, which is composed of a pulpy material.

A serious toothache can be a sign that there’s something
wrong with this innermost layer. Sometimes a toothache like this is caused by a
deep cavity, and sometimes it’s the result of an injury. If you’re experiencing
a severe toothache, you may have an infection that needs to be treated with a root canal
from our Virginia Beach office.
  • Other signs include:
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Recurring pimple around your gums
  • Pain when you chew
With a root canal,
Dr. Santos
and Dr. Folck
can help by removing the infected pulp from your tooth, filling the center with
an inert substance, and cap the tooth with a crown. Removing the infection will
save your smile and offer relief from your uncomfortable symptoms. It will also
mean saving the root underneath. Why is that important? Because your jaw relies
on your tooth roots to stay healthy and strong throughout your life.

Do you have questions about root canal therapy? Are you struggling with a severe toothache? Let
Dr. Santos and Dr. Folck talk to you about your smile. With an oral health
assessment our Virginia Beach team
can help you understand what kind of care you need. Dr. Folck and Dr. Santos
offer root canal therapy to patients
from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, Sandbridge, and surrounding areas.

Periodontal Therapy for Virginia Beach

February 14, 2014

In our last post, we talked
about the connection between oral health and overall wellbeing. Today we’d like
to talk a little more about gum disease,
its symptoms, and how it can be treated.
The symptoms of gum
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Gums that bleed when you brush or floss
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Pockets between the teeth and gums
Regular checkups at Smile
by Design
are important because they give Dr. Santos and
Dr. Folck a
chance to look for symptoms like these. Regular appointments are also important
because not every patient who struggles with gum disease will exhibit all of them.
If our Virginia Beach
team finds anything, we can put together a treatment plan designed around your
specific needs. One of the most common treatments for gum disease is scaling and
root planing
. Using a combination of scaling
and root planing
plus extra homecare, Dr.
and Dr. Santos can help
you gain control over your symptoms and enjoy better oral health and overall

Are you struggling with gum
? Data indicates that a majority of American adults will at some
point. Call Smile by Design today to schedule an
appointment. Dr. Folck and Dr. Santos are happy to serve patients
from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, Sandbridge, and surrounding areas.

Oral Health and the Health of Your Heart

February 11, 2014

In just a few days, couples across the country will be
celebrating Valentine’s Day. Given
how much the heart figures into Valentine’s cards, candy and decorations, now
seems like a good time to make you aware of the connection between your oral
health—and specifically gum disease—and
your overall health. Are you surprised to hear that there’s a connection at
all? Many people don’t realize that one exists, but according to recent data,
it does.
Gum disease
starts with the accumulation of bacteria and plaque around the gum line. Over
time, as these two irritate the mouth’s soft tissues, an infection will develop,
resulting in symptoms like bleeding, sensitivity, swelling and more. Given enough
time, gum disease creates pockets
between the teeth and gum line. From these pockets bacteria and plaque can gain
access to the body’s bloodstream, traveling to, among other places, the heart,
where they can contribute to clotting and even heart attacks.
Gum disease has
also been linked to other
kinds of health problems
, including:
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Stroke
  • Pre-term birth
  • Diabetes
  • Pneumonia
How can you prevent health problems related to gum disease? By following a few simple
First, make sure you’re following a good brushing and
flossing regimen. Brushing twice a day—or after every meal, if you can—will help
you keep bacteria and plaque from building up around your teeth, while flossing
once a day will help you clean between your teeth. You can also add an
antibacterial mouthwash to your routine to make it more effective.
The next step you can take is to see Dr. Folck or Dr. Santos on
a regular basis for checkups and cleanings. Checkups will help us spot gum disease before it develops into a
serious problem; cleanings give us a chance to remove bacteria and plaque you
couldn’t get by yourself at home.
Do you have questions about the oral health-heart health
connection? Is it time for your next checkup and cleaning? Call Smile by Design today for an
appointment. We serve patients from Virginia
, Fort Story, Sandbridge, and beyond.
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