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Why is There a White Film in Your Mouth?

May 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 9:22 am
A person pointing to a white film in their mouth

Every once in a while, you might notice a white film in your mouth. This sticky layer of gunk is a telltale sign of oral thrush – an unpleasant problem, to say the least. That said, you might not know how best to respond to the dilemma. It may be your first time facing the sticky issue. Luckily, you can count on your Virginia Beach dentist for help. To that end, here’s a summary of oral thrush, how to recognize it, and what you can do to manage it.


Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?

April 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 1:15 am
patient wondering if dental implants can get cavities

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that replace both the crown and roots of a missing tooth. They are often made of titanium since it can fuse with the jawbone, therefore creating a permanent, strong connection. If you are considering implant and curious about whether they can be subject to tooth decay like your natural teeth, read on to discover the answer.


Completing Your New Smile with Invisalign Refinements

March 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 11:18 am
a woman putting her Invisalign aligners in her mouth

Are you straightening your smile with Invisalign? If so, you are not alone. It’s estimated that 6 million people (and counting!) have aligned their teeth with this convenient and discreet orthodontic. The removable, clear aligners allow you the flexibility and comfort that traditional braces don’t offer. Additionally, the timeframe for your new smile is usually shorter than other orthodontic treatments. However, there may be a few adjustments to your treatment plan as you approach the finish line to your new pearly whites. Here’s what to know about Invisalign refinements and why you might need them.


Evolution of Dental Veneers

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 9:10 pm

Model of dental veneer on lower toothDental veneers have ranked among the top elective services for the past decade. However, they have been around for much longer. Veneers have been used since 1928, but they’ve come a long way over the years. Various improvements to the materials and technique now allow veneers to last for longer than ever before. Here’s how they have evolved throughout time to create the dazzling results of today.


It’s a New Year! 4 Reasons to Get a Dental Checkup Now

January 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 11:03 pm
a woman with a healthy smile in the New Year

A new year has begun, which means it’s time for resolutions! Oftentimes, people make goals to improve their health or finances. The good news is that you can include both when it comes to caring for your teeth! By scheduling a dental checkup for you early in the year,  you will be tending to your oral health and capitalizing on your dental insurance. Here are four reasons why visiting your dental team at the start of 2023 is a great idea!


3 Ways to Protect your Teeth This Holiday Season

December 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 5:04 pm
Smiling woman standing in the snow

For some of us, the holiday season is less about relaxing and more about dealing with travel, cooking, and buying gifts. In the midst of all that, finding the time to take care of your oral health can be a little bit of a challenge. Thankfully, if you go into the holiday season with a plan, it won’t be hard to make sure your and your family’s teeth remain in good shape. Here are a few things you can do to preserve your oral health this holiday season.


4 Facts About Dental Insurance

November 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — smilebydesignteam @ 12:08 am

Dental insurance and tooth on digital screenDental insurance in Virginia Beach is an investment in your oral health because you have access to affordable dentistry. Although more Americans than ever have coverage, less than 3% of adults reach their annual limits. Many people skip routine care or put off dental work because of the cost, despite having coverage. Don’t let confusion about your benefits stop you from getting the care you need. Here are 4 things to remember to maximize your dental insurance, so you can achieve your best smile without breaking the bank.


5 Reasons Dental Implants are Successful

October 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 5:28 pm

Model of a dental implantBridges, partials, and dentures have been standard treatments for missing teeth for generations, but over 500,000 people every year are breaking from tradition by using an alternative solution. Dental implants are the most reliable method of replacing lost teeth. A dental implant is unlike any other treatment because it replicates both the root and the crown. Not only does this provide exceptional benefits not possible with previous options, but the dental implant success rate is over 95%. Here are 5 secrets behind the most successful choice for tooth loss.


Why You Should Replace Missing Molars

September 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — smilebydesignteam @ 8:21 pm

Dental implant for missing back toothMany people fear losing a front tooth because a gap will be the focal point of their smile. Losing a back tooth may not seem as concerning because no one will see it. Although it may not stand out like a sore thumb, every tooth is crucial for a healthy, functional smile. A missing back tooth can have lasting consequences for your oral and general health. Here’s why you should replace your lost tooth with a dental implant quickly. 


How Can I Manage My Halloween Sweet Tooth?

September 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 7:52 pm
example of a collection of Halloween candy in Virginia Beach

With the leaves turning colors and the air getting colder, you probably know that Halloween is right around the corner. If you enjoy dressing up for the spooky season and going trick-or-treating, you’re bound to accumulate an ample amount of treats that can last through the winter (hopefully). While Halloween candy is tasty and makes for a fun holiday, it can also harm your oral health in the long run. Read on to learn what these snacks can do to your smile and tips on how to manage your sugar cravings!

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