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Royal Recovery: Does It Hurt to Get a Dental Crown?

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilebydesignteam @ 5:37 pm
Fake tooth with a gold crown next to a damaged tooth with a white background

Did you know that an estimated 36% of Americans experience anxiety around dental visits? If you tend to get nervous when you have an upcoming appointment, you’re not alone. Those who are overly fearful might even avoid scheduling essential procedures required to preserve their oral health, like dental crowns.

Many patients assume getting a restoration will involve a long and agonizing process and are too afraid to move forward with their treatment. Fortunately, that’s not usually the case! Continue reading to learn more about getting a dental crown so you can safely set your concerns aside.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that are designed to fit over a decayed or damaged tooth. Your dentist uses them to restore its appearance while simultaneously preserving its functionality. For example, they’re often used after a root canal procedure to protect your pearly white from potential harm. On top of that, they can also replace missing teeth as part of a dental bridge or as a standalone prosthetic over a dental implant.

These artificial teeth are typically made from resilient porcelain customized to be the same shade, shape, and size as your natural ones for seamless results. Once it’s cemented in place, no one will know if there was ever an issue with your smile.

Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

It’s easy to assume that anything involving artificial teeth is bound to be painful, but thankfully, that’s not usually true, especially for dental crowns. Understanding more about how they’re fitted can help you better understand why.

First, you’ll consult with your dentist, who will determine whether it’s the best solution for your unique circumstances. If it is, they’ll start by numbing the area with a topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable. If you have difficulty sitting still, have a sensitive gag reflex, or feel overly anxious, you might also be sedated to help you get through the appointment.

Then, your provider prepares your tooth by removing a thin layer of enamel so the crown fits correctly. Next, they’ll make impressions of your teeth to send to a lab to create your prosthetic. They’ll fit you with a temporary crown to safeguard your smile while waiting for the permanent one to arrive. When it does, they’ll ensure it sits as intended before cementing it in place.

Does Dental Crown Recovery Hurt?

You’ll be numbed or sedated for the procedure and likely won’t experience much sensation at all until the medications wear off afterward. Then, because some enamel was removed, it’s normal to experience some mild to moderate sensitivity or discomfort for a couple of weeks. In many cases, symptoms peak after a few days and then gradually fade until they disappear altogether.

Usually, taking an over-the-counter medication like Tylenol or ibuprofen is enough to manage symptoms. You can also apply an ice pack or cold compress to briefly relieve any soreness or swelling.

Now that you know there’s no reason to fear getting a dental crown, you can call your dentist to schedule your procedure today!

About the Practice

At Smile by Design of Virginia Beach, patients benefit from a team of dentists who offer a full array of services at one convenient location. With 15+ years of combined experience, they can help people of all ages improve their dental condition. They take the time to learn about your unique oral care concerns so they can provide fully individualized treatment plans just for you. Then, they utilize state-of-the-art technology to deliver accurate, long-lasting results. If you need a dental crown, you can request an appointment on the website or call (757) 499-9639.

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