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Our Dental Practice Offers CEREC in Virginia Beach, VA

January 24, 2017

Undergo convenient, same-day dental crown restoration treatment with state-of-the-art CEREC technology in Virginia Beach, VA.Are you experiencing a damaged or broken tooth? You may need to consider visiting our Smile by Design office and looking into dental crowns in Virginia Beach, VA. Our office offers CEREC, a new technology that stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. This gives our team the ability to create same-day dental crowns, accommodating busy schedules and providing a solution to various oral health issues.


Signs You Might Need a Root Canal in Virginia Beach

November 28, 2016

Stop pain and extraction with root canal therapy in Virginia Beach. Drs. Santos and Folck perform endodontics to infection and restore failing teeth.

Intense dental sensitivity and swollen gums frequently indicate infected tooth pulp. Root canal therapy in Virginia Beach is a comfortable alternative to tooth extraction. Also called endodontics or “ a root canal,” this restorative treatment extracts diseased inner pulp and crowns remaining tooth structure to protect it for years of additional service. Dr. Stephanie L. Santos and Dr. Vinita John Volck of Smile by Design perform endodontics to restore smiles to health, function and great aesthetics.


Restore Damaged Smiles with CEREC Virginia Beach

November 16, 2015

a woman with a beautiful smile thanks to the CEREC virginia beach residents preferIf you’ve ever had a crown, inlay, onlay, or other dental restoration you’re likely aware that traditional dental restorations require at least two appointments. During the first visit, patients’ teeth are prepared, and impressions taken that are used by a lab to create a custom smile restoration. In the meantime, patients wear a temporary restoration. During a subsequent appointment several weeks later, patients receive their final dental restoration. At Smile by Design, we offer patients CEREC, the single-visit smile restoration alternative.

Get Rid of Tooth Pain for Good with Root Canal Therapy in Virginia Beach, VA

January 28, 2015

If you suffer from toothaches on a regular basis, you
understand how much it can interfere with your daily activities. It can be
difficult to concentrate at work, and you may avoid eating certain foods or
drinking cold beverages. Tooth pain doesn’t have to rule your life; the doctors
at Smile by Design in Virginia Beach, VA
can help you find lasting toothache relief with gentle root canal therapy. Dr. Vinita Folck
and Dr. Stephanie Santos
offer a complete menu of general and restorative
treatments, including endodontic
How Do I
Know if I Need a Root Canal Treatment?

The most common symptom associated with an infected root canal is sensitivity to cold
temperatures and pain when pressure is applied to the tooth. Other signs that
you may need root canal treatment include
a pimple that forms on the gums, darkening of the affected tooth, and tenderness
in the jaw. Fortunately, the team at Smile
by Design
is here to help. We will clear the tooth of all infection, fill
the resultant cavity with a biocompatible material, and cap the tooth with a
beautiful custom crown. You’ll be free of pain and free to smile with comfort
once again.
It is important to remember that some infections deep within
teeth do not cause any noticeable symptoms until the decay is quite advanced.
This is yet another reason that routine checkups at your local Virginia Beach, VA dentist are so vital
to lifelong oral health and beautiful, attractive smiles.
Truly Gentle Root Canal Therapy

Root canal
may have developed a bad reputation over the years, but the
truth is that this procedure is no more uncomfortable than a simple filling.
Our team will make sure that you are completely comfortable before, during, and
after your procedure, offering sedation dentistry for patients who need a
little help relaxing at the dentist. Contact us today to
schedule your visit with Dr. Folck and
Dr. Santos at Smile by Design in Virginia
Beach, VA.
We can help you find lasting relief from toothache pain as we
ensure your continued oral health for years to come. Our state-of-the-art
dental practice proudly serves families from Sandbridge, Fort Story, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and beyond.

Explore Your Tooth Replacement Options with Dental Implants in Virginia Beach, VA

January 15, 2015

There are a variety of reasons that adults lose their
permanent teeth, including injury, periodontal disease, decay, and more. If you
have lost even one tooth, you understand the negative impact that it can have
on your life on a daily basis. You don’t feel like smiling much around others,
and eating your favorite foods may become exceedingly difficult. Fortunately, dental implants
can help you achieve a whole smile once again. At Smile by Design, Dr. Vinita Folck
and Dr. Stephanie Santos
offer a comprehensive range of restorative
solutions to patients in Virginia Beach, VA,
including tooth replacement with dental implants.

Are Dental
Implants Right for Me?

A dental implant is
a tiny titanium post that is used to secure a custom restoration like a crown,
a bridge, or a denture. Because an implant stimulates and supports the jaw
bone, it actually aids in preserving the structure of your face as well as your
remaining teeth. Patients who wore dentures for years before opting for dental implants can’t believe the
difference that they make in their daily lives. Finally, you are free to eat,
laugh, speak, and smile with total confidence.  
The majority of patients who are missing teeth are good
candidates for dental implants. An
assessment of your periodontal health and the bone density in your jaw will
help to determine your candidacy, but even patients with insufficient jaw bone
density may qualify for implants with the help of a bone graft. A consultation
with our Virginia Beach, VA dental implants experts is your first
step toward restoring your smile’s function and beauty in a way that looks and
feels completely natural.
Your Consultation Today

If you are missing one or more teeth and you’d like to find
out if dental implants are the right
choice for you, we invite you to contact our office
today to schedule your consultation with our experienced and caring team. We’ll
take the time to sit down with you to discuss your unique needs and answer your
questions in a way that’s easy to understand. Conveniently located in Virginia Beach, VA, our family-friendly
dental practice warmly welcomes patients from throughout communities in the
surrounding areas, including Fort Story,
Sandbridge, Portsmouth, Norfolk,
and more.

No Long Waiting Periods with CEREC One Visit Crowns

November 15, 2014

If you have ever needed car repairs, you know that the
process can be daunting. You have to drop your car off at the repair shop,
get a rental car, and then wait several days (or even weeks) to get your
car back. This is because the repair shop has to order special parts, wait for their delivery, and then begin working on your car. It’s all a
big hassle. The same is true for traditional dental crown procedures. In the past, if you
needed a dental crown, your dentist had to first take impressions of your teeth, construct and place a temporary crown, then wait two weeks
for the crown to be constructed by a dental lab. After this long waiting period, your dental
crown could finally be placed. Not anymore! With the new CEREC (Chairside
Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic) one visit crowns
, there’s no
long waiting period for your permanent restoration. You can be in and out with
your brand new crown in one short visit. If you need a damaged or compromised
tooth crowned, make an
with the experienced restorative dentists at Smile By Design today. Dr. Santos and Dr.
can restore your teeth quickly and efficiently using the new CEREC crowns
technology. Smile By Design is
conveniently located in Virginia
Beach, VA
and proudly serves patients throughout Norfolk, Sandbridge,
Portsmouth, Fort Story
and surrounding communities.
You may need a CEREC crown
to repair:
large cavities
disfiguring chips or cracks
broken teeth 
misshapen teeth
The CEREC crown
procedure is a simple six step process. Your dentist will:
Cover the tooth with non-toxic powder and take
digital pictures
Using 3-D CEREC technology, the restoration is designed 
This detailed information is sent digitally to
the CEREC milling unit
The personalized porcelain crown is fabricated right in your dentist’s office
The new crown is polished and placed
The crown is permanently bonded to your tooth
The benefits of CEREC Crowns
No fabrication waiting period
Prepping, fitting, and placing all in one visit
No temporary crown that falls off or is
You receive your final crown in one visit
You get a more accurate scanned impression
Your dentist can make any necessary changes
Repair Your Teeth
with CEREC
in Virginia
Beach, VA
We use technological advancements to make our lives simpler
and easier every day. This principle should also be true of our dental care. CEREC crowns
make dental crown procedures faster and less complicated for dentists and  patients. That means that your dentist has more time to focus on giving you
the best possible care. Make
an appointment
with the highly qualified cosmetic and restorative dentists
at Smile By Design today. Dr. Santos and Dr.
restore smiles daily throughout Virginia Beach, VA, Norfolk,
Sandbridge, Portsmouth, Fort Story,
and nearby areas.

Quality, Custom-Made CEREC Crowns in a Single Hour

December 27, 2013

When a tooth becomes damaged, whether by decay or an injury,
it needs to be repaired. In many cases that’s done with a dental crown. During a crown procedure, Dr. Folck or Dr. Santos
will cover (or cap) your damaged tooth with a custom-made restoration that resembles
the tooth they’re treating.

The goal with a crown
is to restore your smile’s appearance and functionality for both the short and
long term. In the short term, you’re free from the discomfort that comes with a
damaged tooth; in the long term, the supportive root underneath your tooth is
preserved, ensuring that your jaw stays strong. Losing a tooth, and the root
underneath it, can cause the jaw to weaken and can put otherwise healthy teeth
in danger of becoming lost as well. The idea behind capping a tooth with a
crown is that the entire tooth is saved, and functionality and appearance are
restored as well.
Traditional crowns
take at least two appointments to put in place. CEREC crowns
from Smile by Design take just a
single appointment. In just one visit, Dr.
or Dr. Santos will assess
your health, design your crown, and
use their CEREC machine to mill a
high-quality, porcelain restoration while you wait comfortably in our Virginia Beach dental office. Once your
brand new CEREC crown has been
completed and attached, you can leave our office feeling better about your oral
health and about how you look.
Do you need help restoring a tooth with a custom-made crown? Call Smile by Design today for an
appointment with Dr. Folck or Dr. Santos. We offer restorative care
to patients from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, and Sandbridge.

CEREC One-Visit Crowns

August 22, 2013

Earlier this month, we outlined the restorative dentistry services you’ll find at Smile by Design. For today’s post, we’d like to zero-in on just one of them: CEREC one-visit crowns.

Dentists use crowns to help patients restore badly damaged or decayed teeth. That’s important, but a typical crown restoration takes at least two appointments to complete, which can be inconvenient. CEREC one-visit crowns take the return visit out of the equation by giving patients a high-quality, custom-made crown in just a single visit.

Here’s what you can expect from a CEREC appointment. First, Dr. Volck or Dr. Santos will examine your tooth and take a series of detailed, digital pictures of it. Then, using CEREC’s special 3D technology, our Virginia Beach team will design your customized restoration. Once this information has been transmitted to the CEREC milling unit, all you have to do is sit back and relax while it goes to work. Using high-quality dental porcelain, it will create exactly what you need.

When the CEREC milling unit is done, Dr. Volck or Dr. Santos will polish and place your new crown. As we’re finishing up, we’ll just check to see that it matches the shade and shape of your smile. Then you’ll be ready to return to your normal schedule.

Do you want to learn more about how CEREC can help you improve your smile’s functionality and appearance? Call Smile by Design today to reserve a consultation appointment. We serve patients from Virginia Beach, Fort Story, Sandbridge, and all surrounding communities.