The number of people missing all their teeth is probably much higher than you realized. Currently, it’s estimated that about 40 million Americans have no teeth at all. While modern dentures are better today than ever before, they certainly aren’t without their setbacks. When paired with a series of dental implants fused inside of the jaw, you can expect a tooth replacement that is more functional, reliable, and natural-looking overall. Get in touch with our dentists at Smile by Design of Virginia Beach to learn more about the process and if implant dentures are right for you!
Implant dentures are designed to hold an entire arch of teeth using dental implants fused inside of the jawbone. In some cases, dental implants can be paired with your existing denture, but this depends on the current condition of your restoration. Whether your denture is preexisting or brand-new, you can expect your tooth replacement to be far more reliable compared to a denture solely sitting on top of your gums.
You’ll have two main options to consider when pairing your dentures with dental implants. This includes:
Also known as a hybrid prothesis, fixed implant dentures are designed to remain in place and stay there until they are removed by a dentist. In most cases, anywhere between four and six implants are attached to hold a fixed denture. While this option is great for those that want to forget they even have dentures, they do require more jawbone density.
Removable (or “Snap-On” dentures) are meant to be removed regularly for cleaning. Attached to either clips or ball sockets, removable implant dentures are best for those who still want to remove their tooth replacement on their own. Additionally, they require fewer dental implants on average to place (between two and five), making them ideal for those with lower bone density.
Our office partners with local dental implant specialists to complete the surgical portion of your treatment. Following your detailed consultation, where we evaluate your eligibility, complete exams, and begin your treatment planning, you’ll be scheduled to have the implants placed into your jaw. This process involves opening the gum tissue, placing the implants into the jaw, then closing the gum tissue so the implants can heal. When they’ve fully healed, you’ll come back to our office to have abutments attached (or small connectors for the permanent restoration), then given a few more weeks for them to heal. At your final visit, we’ll place your permanent denture and make sure it fits properly.
While it’s true that dental implants take more time on average to have placed, they provide many benefits that you won’t find with other tooth replacements. For example, implant dentures: